We want to be heard and we want it to stop!

By: Madisyn R.G.

Do you guys think Black Lives Matter? Or any people of color? I know that they completely matter, so what I don’t get is why people are being racist to people because of the way they look. Their looks shouldn’t be your priority in life, and your priority shouldn’t be to make them feel bad about themselves. Your priority should be to focus on yourself and where you want to go in life. Right now times aren’t the best, but people are done with the disrespect they were getting. They were so upset, angry and determined that they wanted to put their final stamp down.

People are so upset at each other because of what they caused. They have caused others to feel bad about themselves and think the worst about themselves just because of how they look and what race they are. I mean I would be furious if people were mean and discriminating against me or anybody.

Anger is a good state to be in right about now. It is a good state because a cop just killed a man named George Floyd while he was in custody. The cop had his knee in his neck and George Floyd was saying he couldn’t breathe, but the cop didn’t listen. So now the people are scared and don’t think the cops are doing a good job of being cops. People have started protesting, but the cops see it in a different way. They see it as rioting so they have used lethal weapons such as whips and batons and have been hurting the people.

Since the President and the Government weren’t listening to what people have to say, the world demanded they do something about racism. The people started putting together protests all over the country and have been destroying stores and other places just to get their point across. The people were really determined to get what they wanted or what they deserved, and what they deserved was for people to stop calling them names, telling where they can sit, what they can and can’t do. All people of color want in life is to be treated the same as others.

You know, I’m very optimistic that these riots/protests will change behavior towards people of color. A lot of people are protesting everywhere all over the state and country and I think that if other people took the time to really think about what’s going on and listen to what the protestors have to say they would reconsider some things. On the other hand, I’m also pessimistic because I think even if the President, the Government, or even us people do anything or make a law, there will always be people who don’t care and keep doing what they were doing before. I mean if they didn’t listen or stop slavery back in 1619 they are most likely thinking why stop doing it now. Back in 1619 it was enslavement of Africans, brought to North America. Slavery was abolished in the United States in December 18, 1865 but racism still continued to be the problem and still is.

In conclusion, I feel that people need to stand up for whatever they believe in and to never let anyone push them around. If you feel furious or angry then let it all out and express how you feel. Trust me, the only thing that will help you feel better is fighting back. Telling the people what you think is like a big weight just lifted off your shoulders. That feeling is so amazing. All of you are beautiful, no matter what color or race you are, and don’t let anybody say anything different.

Student Bio

Madisyn R.G.

2020 Summer Program

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