An Overview of How Snowboarding Affects Someone’s Everyday Life

By: Earl H. III

Snowboarding is a wintertime sport that is rapidly growing in popularity. Snowboarding is an entertaining and enjoyable activity for everyone, and research states that it is really beneficial. When I was researching this topic three things I found interesting were that snowboarding can help take the stress off people’s lives. Another thing I found was that it helps people develop self-confidence, enhances their ability to concentrate, and improves self-awareness.

An excellent example of this is from where it says that snowboarding can make you be less depressed and lower your stress levels. Snowboarding can also help someone’s health in the long run because usually stress can make people have panic attacks and look older than they are. Although snowboarding isn’t a team sport, it is very much a group and very social activity. Being outdoors and exercising are proven to help reduce stress, and being surrounded by friends, interacting with other people, and having fun will improve your mood.

Snowboarding, like any form of exercise, releases the painkillers in the body, and can also help the brain develop by doing physical activity, which helps people be responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. Exercising outdoors also helps to elevate mood and reduce anxiety. New research by Snow+Rock reveals that “people are invigorated and feel alive when being active and getting social on the slopes. It’s evident that snow sports feed the body and the mind in more ways than one.” So just going outside and snowboarding can make sure you are in great shape and help you experience the outdoors.

It’s important to prepare your body for the challenges of these demanding winter sports with some pre-snowboarding exercises. These exercises will strengthen you and get you fit enough to handle the slopes.

Student Bio

Earl H. III

2020 Summer Program
2022 Virtual Winter Workshop

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