Write on Sports

Our Impact

What Our Students Say

say their

“I have become a more confident and stronger writer who no longer struggles when writing essays at school.”

87% of students gave the highest quality rating of WoS staff.

66% of students believe the program has influenced their college/career path.

78% of students would be willing to return to the Wos camp beyond their eligibility.

of parents would recommend the program to other parents.

“Her writing improved, she made new friends and enjoyed her time at WoS so much that she often talks about hoping to return as an intern when she is older.” 

“Getting out there, on a college campus, trips to sport events and actually interviewing players. All incredibly invaluable!” 

National and local assessments of middle school students' writing ability suggest that many students are lacking the skills they need to succeed in high school and beyond. Write on Sports is a proven literacy and journalism program that inspires teen boys and girls to write about sports.


The lack of writing proficiency limits student growth as they move from middle school to high school.

The Solution

Focus on middle school students - a critical time in academic development.


Writing Proficiency is directly correlated to reading proficiency.
"Nation’s Report Card" has seen a negative trend in reading proficiency in the last 10 years across all student groups.

The Solution

Focus on middle school students - a critical time in academic development.


Parents and teachers will seek alternative solutions to assist struggling students.
"In preparing for fall...educators will likely need to consider ways to support students who are academically behind and further differentiate instruction."

The Solution

Address "Three L's” that hinder students development:
#1 - Lack of Motivation
#2 - Loss of Confidence
#3 - Limited Time devoted to Writing at School


Support Tomorrow's

The last few years have presented learning challenges and economic hardship for so many youth. Write on Sports, however, continues to stay on course, in the face of uncertain times. Now, more than ever, WoS needs your financial support. Join me in continuing and advancing this important mission to change the lives of middle school students. Help them build confidence and literacy skills through tuition-free workshops and camps.

Together, we can help them achieve their goals.
Peter King
NBC Sports, WoS Trustee 

Change a Student's Life

and give them a path to accomplish their dreams.

Write on Sports helps middle school students from underserved communities develop writing skills and build self–confidence using the lens of sports and the tools of journalism. Students enhance their critical thinking and learn how to effectively tell stories. Most of all, they learn that anything is possible with passion, effort and the support of people who care.