Write on Sports Rhode Island

Providence College

A Literacy Enrichment Program

Student must live or attend school in the greater Providence area.

Write on Sports uses the theme of sports as a way to connect with students in an authentic and meaningful way. During camp, we turn the students into sports writers to strengthen their writing and literacy skills.  Students pick a theme of their choice (related to sports) and identify a project including a feature article or fiction story.  They will also work on a multimedia project, either a video or a podcast episode. Another feature of camp is the Guest Days; bringing in professional journalists (from TV, radio and print media outlets) and athletes (ranging from college, professional and retired professionals).  We include a sports related field trip.

The Write on Sports Rhode Island program is located at Providence College,  serving students in Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, Woonsocket, Cranston and other area cities!

Providence College
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 02918

Programs Offered

Summer Camp

July 7-17, 2025 (Monday – Thursday)

Rising 7-8 graders


“I definitely think I’m a better writer because i learned how to play with words, organize my stories better, make it more fluid… I think it will help me in school a lot because my teachers will enjoy my writing and it will help my grades get better.”
Javier, WoS Rhode Island student


Steven Krasner
Executive Director
Steven Krasner is a retired sports journalist and current author of children’s books. He is best known for covering the Boston Red Sox for The Providence Journal, which he did from 1986 until his retirement from the newspaper in 2008. He is Executive Director of Rhode Island Write on Sports, conducts interactive classroom writing workshops as Nudging the Imagination, is an adjunct professor of writing at Bryant University and has freelanced for ESPN-Boston.com.

Great futures start here: YOU can make a difference!

Write on Sports works with at-risk middle school students to improve their creative writing skills by tapping into their passion for sports at our writing programs.