Eligible students must live or attend school within West Orange.
Edison Middle School has partnered with Write on Sports to offer an Afterschool program for its sixth-grade students for more than a decade. The Afterschool program often leads to students joining the summer sports writing camp programs hosted at Montclair State University
Dates: TBA
Eligibility: Current 6th grade and students must live or attend school in West Orange
Tuition: Free
Contact: Jen Blume, jblume@westorangeschools.org
“I loved Write on Sports because as a kid I wanted to go into sports casting, and after doing the camp I was sold on the idea… The camp is the reason I joined West Orange High School's television station and the reason why I'm majoring in Journalism and Media Studies.”
Molly Rich, West Orange Camp alumni
Write on Sports works with at-risk middle school students to improve their creative writing skills by tapping into their passion for sports at our writing programs.
Get In Touch
Write on Sports
P.O. Box 833
South Orange, NJ 07079
Support Write on Sports’ writing programs. Your donation will make a difference.